Friday, March 26, 2010

Email address

The email attached to this blog should be or

Evidently when I got a new smart phone and wanted to receive emails by my phone I had to have a gmail account and when that was activated it also became the primary email with our blog.  However, it is an emaill account which I do not use.  If you need to reach either Kelly or I (Susan) please use the above emails.

Update March 26, 2010

The days are getting longer and Spring should be just around the corner.   We are getting busy with old and new students ready to sharpen skills and getting ready for the upcoming season.

We have a new camera and I am just beginning to learn how to use it.  It doesn't seem to do well in the indoor but I am determined to learn how to make clear sharp picutres.  Here are a few good and bad.  (View towards Mt Ascutney, Melissa Drye on Cider and Kelly teaching.)

Tomorrow we are going to Stoneleigh-Burnham School again for another schooling dressage show.  Hope to have good pictures to post.  Stay warm tonight as it is suppose to be very cold.  More posts to come

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cody, Cody, Cody

We have one of our own homebreds, Cody, that is like a Dennis the Menance.  If you do not know who that was, it was a cartoon strip about a little boy who was always mischevious. He caused his neighbor, Mr. Wilson, total frustration and at times to go a little batty with Dennis's antics.  When we had our big storm with lots of wet snow the horses at the indoor had to stay in for safety sake.  They were turned out in the indoor arena for excercise and to stretch their legs.  We can usually put two out together that are fairly compatible.  Cody goes out with his full (younger) brother Ben.  When it was time to bring Cody and Ben in from the arena and  have the next pair out.  Kelly was met with a typical Cody expression.  I tried to draw this cartoon to show Cody's surprise at being caught rearranging the flowers on the flower box jump. Ben, who was trying to melt into the corner, wanted Kelly to know that he had no part in this flower arranging that Cody had done.